Abdominoplasty - Özel Park Tıp Merkezi


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    Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery to give healthier and fitter form to the abdomen area. This procedure is preferred to eliminate various problems like sagging, cracks, excess skin and it is preferred by both women and men. This procedure is generally operated on women, the excess skin around the belly is removed and the crack look under the belly button is eliminated.

    How is abdominoplasty applied?

    Abdominoplasty is preferred to correct the belly region when there is skin sagging that cannot be fixed with diet and sports due to different reasons. The reasons for sagging around the abdomen are explained as follows:

    Sagging due to frequent weight gain-weight losing

    Elasticity loss due to two or more childbirth and ineffective collagen tissue around the region

    Sagging due to ageing

    How is abdominoplasty surgery applied?

    Abdominoplasty can be applied with different techniques. Your doctor will choose the technique. After a physical examination and radiological screening, the method can be selected. This operation can last between 1.5 to 4 hours depending on the technique and other cosmetic surgeries. Techniques for abdominoplasty are as follows:

    Complete Abdominoplasty

    Complete abdominoplasty can have different forms depending on whether the location of the belly button will be changed. This surgery is done by making cuts from the c-section operation area. Excess skin in the abdomen is collected and excessive fat is collected with liposuction. Then, invisible aesthetic sutures are made inside the abdomen and the operation is completed by suturing cuts in the bikini part. Scarring risk is minimum; but since there will be scarring in the bikini region, these scars will not be visible from your underwear. In this operation, excess skin in the middle and lower section of the abdomen are collected, excess fat is removed and abdominal wall muscles are lifted.

    Inverse Abdominoplasty

    This surgery is operated similar to complete abdominoplasty but the cuts are made to the lower part of the breasts. Since scarring risk and scar visibility is high after this surgery, this method is not preferred by the surgeons.

    Partial Abdominoplasty

    This operation is also known as mini-abdominoplasty is done under the belly button. This operation is suitable for patients with excess skin and fat. Abdominal wall muscles are not tightened in this process. The location of the belly button is not changed in mini-abdominoplasty.

    How long does abdominoplasty take?

    The duration of abdominoplasty changes between individuals. Full abdominoplasty can take between 3-4 hours. Since less intervention is required in mini-abdominoplasty, this operation will take 1-1.5 hours. Inverse abdominoplasty might take between 2-4 hours. In abdominoplasty, patients are operated under general anaesthesia.

    What is the process after abdominoplasty?

    After this surgery, patients are hospitalised for 1-2 days. Patients are asked to stand up and walk on the surgery day with the help of their relatives. The first movement will happen 3-4 hours after the surgery. Patients can walk on their own the next day. Things to be considered after this surgery can be explained as follows:

    After the surgery, patients must wear a corset for 3 weeks. After three weeks, they must use their corset in the day time.

    After this surgery, the suitable sleeping position is on the side with pulling the belly inside rather than on the back. This way, sutures on the abdomen are protected.

    Patients must avoid sudden moves, coughing and sneezing for the first week. These movements increase the pressure inside the abdomen and damage the sutures.

    It is normal to experience pain in the first few days due to sutures. Therefore, patients are prescribed with pain killers and antibiotics. You must use these medications as prescribed by the doctor.

    The dressing will be removed 2-3 days after the surgery. Patients can take a bath after the dressing is removed.

    Patients can go back to work after 7-10 days. After mini-abdominoplasty, patients can go back to work in 3-4 days.

    Ir is normal to feel sensitive around the abdomen for 7-10 days after the surgery.

    In abdominoplasty, normal sutures are preferred inside the abdomen and aesthetic sutures are preferred outside the abdomen. Aesthetic sutures are dissolvable and there is no need to remove them. To decrease surgery scar, a cream must be applied for two weeks. These creams might have silicone or cortisone depending on your skin type. It is recommended to use these creams for two months after the surgery.

    Patients are asked to walk for the first 6 weeks. You can start other exercises and sports activities after 6 weeks and by taking your doctor’s approval.

    Full recovery after this surgery can take between 3 and 9 months.