Gynaecomastia - Özel Park Tıp Merkezi


Pre-Interview Form


    Patients should remember that the results are oriented for correction rather than perfection and openly discuss their expectations to feel better. One of the most important factors before any cosmetic surgery intervention is emotional decisiveness.

    Gynaecomastia might fix your look and increase your self-confidence but the rest is up to you. Your doctor will discuss the other variables that will impact your surgical method. The level of correction is determined by age, genetics bone structure, skin type, alcohol consumption, smoking and eating habits. These factors will determine how much the operation will be effective.

    What is gynecomastia?

    During adolescence, it is natural to have breast enlargement, fullness and sensitivity in men due to hormonal changes. If this temporary situation becomes permanent, it is called gynecomastia. This might affect the activities, cloths of the young people and turn into a social problem (wearing baggy clothes, posture problems, avoiding swimming etc.).

    Although gynecomastia is mainly visible in the forms defined above, it is possible to see single or double gynecomastia due to hormones, tumours or certain medications.

    To diagnose this situation, detail medical history, screening techniques (ultrasound, MR etc.) and hormone analysis might be required. While classical gynecomastia starts during adolescence period, gynecomastia due to other reasons might occur in older ages and the single side gynecomastia is more common.

    After finding the reason for gynecomastia with differential diagnosis, treatment is planned. Gynecomastia is divided into 3 groups based on size and skin looseness. In the first phase, breast enlargement is limited and there is no sagging in the skin. In the second phase, the breasts look like a female breast but there is no sagging. In the third phase, there is an additional sagging that requires another treatment.

    The phase of gynecomastia is important to make a treatment plan. If the gynecomastia is at the first phase and the majority of the problem is caused by fat tissue, liposuction can be used for gynecomastia treatment. If the problem is due to mammary gland in addition to fat tissue, this tissue must be removed with a small cut from the nipple and send to pathology. The treatment is almost the same in second phase. For the third phase, if skin sagging is advanced, surgical planning to eliminate the excess skin might be necessary.

    In the case of young individuals and high skin elasticity, skin problem can be solved with a vacuum or surgical intervention around the nipple. But in older ages and advanced skin sagging, a crescent cut might be needed under the nipple as more tissue must be removed.

    How Do I Prepare for the Surgery Before Surgery?

    Your doctor will have some demands during this period. If you are smoking, you need to quit smoking 4 weeks before and 2 weeks after the surgery. You must avoid sun contact during this period. If you are using Vitamin E and aspirin, you need to stop them before the surgery and avoid heavy diets. Cold or other infection might lead to postponing the operation.

    You will need to have blood tests and bleeding coagulation test before the surgery. Additionally, you will need to have breast ultrasonography to decide on the surgery technique. Also, additional tests might be necessary based on your general health and medical history. Patients must inform the doctor if they experienced any previous disease or uses certain medication.

    Patients must stop eating and drinking 5 hours before the surgery.

    The chest will be shaved and photographs will be taken to compare before and after the procedure and operation plan will be reconsidered.


    If open surgery is selected, the drain will be needed in this region. The drain will help to discard serum or blood that can accumulate in the operation region and eliminate any complication risks. The drain is generally removed in 24-48 hours.

    Another application that can be preferred in every case is an aesthetic bandage application to apply pressure to the surgery region. After 4 or 5 days, the special corset will be worn instead of this bandage. . It is easy to use this corset. The corset must be worn for three weeks. It is better to wear the corset in the day time and especially during heavy activity after the third week. This approximately takes 6 weeks.

    It is normal to have oedema, sensitivity, pain and bruising in the operation region. These will start to decrease after 2-3 days. Sensitivity can last for weeks. It is possible to see numbness, stinging, burning sensation but these do not hinder daily life.

    Patients can swim in the pool and sea after two weeks. Patients must avoid the steam shower, sauna and solarium that might lead to oedema for 6 weeks. Similarly, it is advised avoiding heavy sports and activities that might lead to an impact in the chest region for 6 weeks.


    Anaesthesia method for this operation might change. It is possible to choose general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation that will help to calm down and to numb the operation area. In general, only local anaesthesia is not recommended.

    Risks for This Method