Revision Rhinoplasty - Özel Park Tıp Merkezi

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgery that makes permanent changes on the nose. Nose malformations and functional problems are corrected with this surgery. However, it is possible to experience undesired shape or breathing problems after a primary rhinoplasty. In these cases, revision rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty is applied. Revision rhinoplasty is a surgery applied to correct the problems after primary rhinoplasty.

When is revision rhinoplasty necessary?

Rhinoplasty is a surgery specific to individuals. The nose shape must fit the face. At the same time, rhinoplasty must also eliminate functional problems. Some patients might not like the nose shape and ask for a correction after rhinoplasty. Some patients might need secondary rhinoplasty due to functional problems. In general, the reasons for revision rhinoplasty can be explained as follows.

* Patients experiencing nasal flaring problems during a deep breath and insufficient air intake.

* Aesthetic problems due to insufficient nasal hump removal.

* Nose tip droop, uneliminated nose tip droop or nose tip swelling after the first rhinoplasty.

* Visible nostrils from across due to too high nose tip.

* Disproportion between the nose and the face; insufficient nose reduction or too much nose reduction might be the reasons for a second surgery.

Which procedures can be applied in revision rhinoplasty?

In revision rhinoplasty, two different procedures as major and minor procedures can be applied. The minor technique is used for small touches. The major technique is used for larger interventions.

In minor technique, slight filing or filling the dents with cartilage or filler in a limited area is possible. Minor surgeries are short. In major technique, if structural changes are needed, the nose is opened and corrected. Revision rhinoplasty with major techniques takes longer.

The reasons for revision rhinoplasty request from the patient are determined. Surgery is planned. Majority of these surgeries involve adding cartilage to nose tip. This cartilage is tried to be collected from the patient. This cartilage can be supplied from the ear of the spine. The doctor must inform the patient and ask for approval to collect cartilage tissue.

How is revision rhinoplasty operated if patients prefer droopy nose?

This is one of the most common problems in rhinoplasty. This problem is caused when an insufficient amount of tissue is removed in the first surgery. In revision surgeries, excess tissue in the nose is removed and the nose tip is reshaped to a normal look.

How is revision rhinoplasty operated if patients prefer tip-tilted nose?

After the first rhinoplasty, the patient might not have the desired tip-tilted nose. Another major operation might be needed to eliminate this problem. Cartilage tissue is used to correct this problem. Collected cartilage is placed to the nose tip to have a tip-tilted nose.

How is revision rhinoplasty applied if there is nasal hump?

If a patient has nasal hump after rhinoplasty, this problem can easily be eliminated. During revision rhinoplasty, bone and cartilage tissue in the nose is filed and the nasal hump is eliminated.

How is revision rhinoplasty is applied when there the back part of the nose is taken too much?

There might be dents if a high number of tissues are collected from the back part of the nose after the first rhinoplasty. Cartilage tissue must be added to eliminate this problem. Cartilage collected from the patient is placed to eliminate this problem.

How is revision rhinoplasty applied if a patient is experiencing breathing problems after rhinoplasty?

All functional properties of the patient must be eliminated after rhinoplasty. But after a while, if a patient is experiencing breathing problems after the surgery, the reason must be investigated. Nasal tissue, excessive nasal flaring issues can be corrected with revision rhinoplasty.

How is revision rhinoplasty planned?

Revision rhinoplasty must be planned 6 months after the first surgery. If this surgery is minor, 6 months is required; if it is major, 1-2 years must pass after the first surgery.

This surgery is operated under general anaesthesia.

Operation duration changes between 1-4 hours depending on the size of the problem.

Local anaesthesia might be preferred for minor interventions.

Patients might be hospitalised for 1-2 days depending on anaesthesia.

What is the process before revision rhinoplasty?

Before revision rhinoplasty, problems on the nose and patient expectations must be assessed completely. Problems in the nose are determined after a complete examination. The solutions are identified and revision surgery method is selected. Nasal endoscopy is performed for patients with breathing problems. Sinus X-rays might be preferred in case of more serious issues. It is possible to determine the factors that cause breathing problems with these x-rays. The things you need to follow before the surgery are as follows:

Patients must inform the doctor if they are using any medication.

Patients must stop blood thinners like aspirin one week before the surgery.

It is recommended to quit smoking one week before and after the surgery.

Patients must not wear make-up, jewellery and prefer comfortable clothes and bring spare clothes on the surgery day.

Patients must stop eating at least 6 hours before the surgery.

Patients must be ready at the hospital at least 2 hours before the surgery.

What is the process after revision rhinoplasty?

Depending on the anaesthesia, patients might be hospitalised or discharged on the same day.

Cold ice compression might be recommended on the first day. This will decrease pain and swelling.

After revision rhinoplasty, bruising and swelling after the surgery will be less than the first surgery.

Patients might experience slight pain after this surgery. This pain can be controlled with pain killers.

Patients must keep their heads high for one week after the surgery. If needed, two pillows might be used.

After the revision surgery, silicon tampon and protective bands are removed after 3-7 days.

Patients can have a bath after 4 days.

Patients can go back to work one week after the surgery.

When needed, the doctor might recommend nose message depending on your nose structure.

Patients can start using contact lenses at last after 3 days, light glasses after at least 1 month and heavy glasses like sunglasses after 3 months.

Patients can start light sports after 2 weeks. Patients must wait at least 8 weeks for swimming and fitness.

Your nose will start to shape 3 weeks after the surgery. Full recovery might take between 6 months and 1 year.

Patients must protect themselves from direct sunlight for the first 8 weeks.