Sleeve Gastrectomy - Özel Park Tıp Merkezi

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Pre-Interview Form

    You will feel like you are reborn with “Gastric Sleeve Gastrectomy”

    75-80% of the stomach is removed and the stomach is given a tube shape. The number of operations worldwide has increased rapidly and the global prevalence has reached 70-80%. It is the most common surgical intervention in Turkey with 85%.

    What are the preparation steps before sleeve gastrectomy surgery and which tests are performed? The following tests will be performed on each patient before the surgery.


    • Blood biochemistry tests
    • Haemogram
    • Hormone tests
    • Hepatitis tests
    • Full abdominal ultrasound
    • Gastric endoscopy (with anaesthetist)
    • ECG (Heart Radiography)
    • Lung Radiography
    • Lung breathing test
    • Effort test and ECO (Electrocardiography) when necessary

    After all these examinations, the results will be examined by anaesthesia, internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonology and endocrine specialists. After these examinations, other underlying diseases that may cause obesity are investigated. If there is no such disease, it is examined whether the patients can be anaesthetised and whether there is any obstacle to this. Experts can make recommendations about treatment before surgery. Thus, the risk of complications during and after surgery is minimised.



    İşlem AdıMide Botoksu
    İşlem Süresi15 Dk
    Tedavi TürüAyakta
    AnesteziLokal & Sedasyon
    KonumMetropol Karşıyaka Tıp Merkezi
    Olası Yan EtkilerBilinen Yok
    İyileşme SüresiAynı Gün
    Beklenen SonuçKilo Verme
    Tedavi Türü
    AnesteziLokal & Sedasyon
    KonumMetropol Karşıyaka Tıp Merkezi
    Olası Yan EtkilerBilinen Yok
    İyileşme SüresiAynı Gün
    Beklenen SonuçKilo Verme
    İşlem AdıMide Botoksu
    İşlem Süresi15 Dk
    Tedavi TürüAyakta
    AnesteziLokal & Sedasyon
    Olası Yan EtkilerBilinen Yok
    Beklenen SonuçKilo Verme
    Tedavi Türü
    AnesteziLokal & Sedasyon
    KonumMetropol Karşıyaka Tıp Merkezi
    Olası Yan EtkilerBilinen Yok
    İyileşme SüresiAynı Gün
    Beklenen SonuçKilo Verme